Re-Creating the Indigenous Creation Story

Kerryn Knight, local Art Therapist and local Indigenous students re-create local indigenous creation story.

Kerryn had great pleasure in working with local Indigenous students from Parkdale Secondary and Patterson Lakes Schools to Re-Create the local Indigenous Creation Story for ‘Nerm’ – The land of the Great Bay that we also know as Port Philip Bay.

The Project began in February 2017 when Kerryn and the students where taken on a Catamaran boat out on Port Philip Bay with Elder Carol Briggs, Marine Biologists and Teachers.  As a result the students heard of the creation Story by Indigenous Elder Carol Briggs and had a chance to see the local sea life and see ‘Nerm – the land of the great bay’ from a different perspective.

Science has now ‘caught up’ with the creation story proving that this area was flooded many many years ago as the creation story explains.  The area was once a river before Bunjil, the Indigenous creator spirit that travels as an Eagle sent a great flood to the area.

This beautiful piece now hangs proudly at Central Bayside Community Health Service, Parkdale with reproductions of the artwork also found at each school involved in this great community art project.

#cbchs #centralbaysidecommunityhealthservice #indigenouscreationstory