Empowered Art Therapy program for Ozchild Kinship Carers Day

OzChild Kinship Carers Day was a recent event at Kindred Art Space, home of Empowered Art Therapy.  Ozchild invited me to run a series of Empowered Art Therapy Tree Of Me programs for their carers to have a day out from their caring role, get together with other carers and explore therapeutically through art.

The ‘Tree of Me’ Empowered Art Therapy program is designed for all ages and abilities.  It provides a fun, creative yet deeply resonant therapeutic process.  Participants are invited through creative processes to experientially build self-awareness through tree symbolism.   The tree and its many parts can symbolise a person and their many parts.  These parts may include culture of origin forming the tree roots, the trunk and face of the tree revealing what a person wishes to bare,  then branching out to where a person is ‘growing to’.  Through this process participants metaphorically look at what they wish to cultivate and compost for the year ahead while creating an individual artwork as a take-away item.

Empowered Art Therapy programs are facilitated globally and are tailored to each group, team or organisation.

For more about Empowered Art Therapy programs visit: https://www.empoweredart.com.au/workshops

Empowered Art Therapy program for Ozchild Kinship Carers